Space Hound 4 - профессионально разработанная и развитая многоцелевая утилита Windows. Полная миссия программы состоит в том, чтобы "пронюхать" потраченное впустую место на вашем жестком диске: дубли, устаревшии, или просто забытые программы.

The overall mission of the program is to "sniff out" wasted space on your hard disk that is duplicated, obsolete, or simply forgotten.
Space Hound performs it's job by building specialized file lists which can be examined by the user.
Several primary displays guide you in identifying files which are duplicated, obsolete, and even help find files which may have been forgotten. Space Hound 4 provides the tools to assist you in determining which files fall into these categories.
In addition to helping you "sniff out" wasted and nonproductive disk space, the program provides excellent reporting and exporting capabilities to aid you in managing your data
Space Hound 4 is the fourth generation of a tool that was originally written in 1994 to solve file and disk management problems for an Information Systems Manager in a medium sized law firm. The manager found that network disk space was rapidly disappearing over a deeply nested user directory structure. Each user had created their own set of home directories and sub-folders and these numbered in the hundreds.
The first tool within the application simply created a Directory Map that showed storage usage at every level within the directory structure. Once the Manager had determined where the largest cache of files was located, he needed tools to manipulate and manage these files. Two secondary functions were also added. One simply counted all of the different file types on the network and the second was used to identify files that were duplicated.
Although there were a few other duplicate file finders available at the time, none of them could handle large network drives. Space Hound Pro was released on CompuServe and was highlighted 3 times within six months. The second generation of the program was released as a totally rewritten 32-bit edition a few years later. It received a number of additional functions in the third generation.
Space Hound 4 is the third total rewrite of the original program. Each rewrite has been dictated by changes in the computing environment and the needs of the people who use the program. The same programmer has been responsible for all programming since that first release in 1994.
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